Genesis Colors brings an eclectic mix of designer labels from India and across the globe, ensuring the consumers are spoiled for choice, from opulence to effervescence by par excellence brands. Genesis is the holding company of renowned Indian fashion brand Satya Paul and premium Indian lingerie brand Bwitch. Satya Paul is known across the globe for its iconic prints and vivid color palette that transformed how the world viewed the traditional Indian sari. The brand has successfully reinvented the sari and moved on to include ‘ready-to-wear’ and accessories with a universal appeal. Under its arm Genesis Luxury, the company holds the exclusive marketing and distribution rights to several international luxury labels in India, including Armani, Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Canali, Etro, Jimmy Choo, Michael Kors, Paul Smith, and Tumi.
The founders of Genesis understood and told the story of aspirational India better than anyone. They envisioned that in the new age, the Indian woman who traditionally wore garden silk saris would want to buy Satya Paul, and the younger, modern woman would want a dress from a European fashion brand. They took a long-term view to brand-building and helped create a new class of discerning consumers across India. Genesis was acquired by Reliance Brands, which is now the most coveted partner of choice for international brands looking to enter India.